martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Apple iPad2 or Android for Education?

Apple iPad2 or Android for Education?

Yesterday Apple announced the release of the iPad2, to hit stores on March 11th. The new iPad will be lighter, thinner, and faster, featuring a dual core processor.

Apple puts a lot of focus on using the iPad2 as a learning tool. They feature educational apps, iTunesU, iBooks, and more, but is Apple going to be the dominant creature in the ever so emerging tablet market in education? Or does Android still stand a chance?

With many Android viagra cialis online pharmacy pharmacy still sitting around the $500 mark (same as the iPad2 16GB), which will schools choose when implementing them into their curriculum? There have been rumblings of upcoming price wars on the Android tablets, as more manufacturers enter the market. This is expected to bring lower cost tablets into the market, making Droid a more affordable option for budget restricted schools. I have also noticed a few companies who were previously looking at entering the tablet space with their own operating system, such as Kno, are considering backing down and selling their tool as an Android app. This begs the question, iPad2 or Droid? Also, where is Microsoft?

I would love to hear your thoughts. Please post any feedback or comments in the comments section!

For more information of the iPad2 for education, please visit:

Photo from

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